Current Messages




The following schedule of charges for use of rail cars owned, leased or controlled by EP Engineered Clays Corporation (“EPECC Cars”) is effective with railcars released as empty as of April 1, 2019. This schedule supersedes all prior rate schedules published by EPECC and all prior agreements, arrangements and understandings with EPECC with respect to demurrage fees for the use of EPECC Cars.

All charges quoted herein and assessed hereby are exclusive of railroad demurrage, detention and storage fees and charges which may be assessed by the railroads for the use of rail cars owned, leased or controlled by the railroads (“Railroad Cars”), for the use of private railcars (including but not limited to the EPECC Cars) on the railroad network, or for any other freight and accessorial fees and charges which may be assessed by the railroads, all of which are the responsibility of the customer. The foregoing railroad fees and charges typically are described in tariffs that are available on the websites of the applicable railroads:

Demurrage Free Time: The demurrage clock starts at 12:01am on the day following the actual or constructive placement of the EPECC Car by the railroad serving the customer's facility or the availability of the car for unloading (where actual or constructive placement is not reported by the railroad). Customer will be given 30 free days upon commencement of the demurrage clock.

Demurrage Charges: After the demurrage clock has commenced (and including 30 free days as noted above)

$100.00 per day

Every day (including weekends and holidays) will be included in the daily calculation. No credits will be given for release of an EPECC Car prior to the expiration of the free time period.


EPECC Car is constructively placed at 2:00pm last day of month
30 days free time commences on first day of new month
Free time expires at 12:00am after 30 days
Demurrage charges start on day 31
EPECC Car is released on 4th day of new month

34 days demurrage – 30 free days = 4 days @ $100.00 = $400.00

The above charges are subject to change by EPECC; any such change will be communicated a minimum 15 days in advance of the effective date of the change. The above charges will be calculated and invoiced on a monthly basis.